Do you have no stylistic skills, or do you not want it to be obvious that you are annoyed by the client's response? No problem - Lucy AI can help you with that.
She'll take your email to a neutral tone in no time. If you're teasing a client and want to be tongue-in-cheek in an email, she can handle that too. Just choose a friendly tone. How to adjust the tonality of a message in an email
First, you need to have AI usage enabled in SupportBox. If you haven't already done so, please follow the instructions here.
Then click on the Lucy AI icon and select one of the Use Neutral Tone / Use Friendly Tone options.
Alternatively, you can highlight the text you have typed with your mouse before clicking on the Lucy AI icon and selecting one of the available Use Neutral Tone / Use Friendly Tone options.
Whether you need to respond to a client formally or prefer a friendly approach, Lucy AI will adapt to your style.
Neutral tone ensures a professional howl, courtesy and perfect service, while friendly tone delivers a more personal approach with a nod.
Lucy AI will make sure that your responses are always professional, even if you're not in a pro-customer mood or responding in affect. No negative comments or inappropriate words will enter your communication. Just mark the text of your proposed email message and Lucy AI will reformulate it into an optimal form, respecting the rules of professional and written Czech. What's more, Lucy AI will always help you end the conversation with a kind greeting to maintain a good relationship with your client.
Lucy AI's tonality editing suggestion will be displayed in a separate window.
If you don't like something in the proposed text and need to edit the Lucy AI’s suggestion, you can do it right away in the Lucy proposes: window and then click the Apply button. Alternatively, you can click Apply right away, which will bring the suggested text into the body of the email reply, and you can make your edits there. If no editing is needed, just send the email.
You will be charged 3 credits for each suggestion (1 credit = 1 CZK).
Did we run into any confusion? Let us know and we will clarify everything for you.